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REST API Testing Using Python

Introduction         This program is REST API testing using python.         The programming language used is python 3.         I hope to get your suggestions and review.         Thank a lot of. Requirement         1. [python Python 3.8.5]( )         2. OS Windows         3. Install Module Request [ pip install request ] [already available on folder venv]         4. Install Module Json          5. Install Module Json Path [ pip install jsonpath ] [already available on folder venv] Description Program         1. Get Request         2. Delete Request         3. Post Request         4. Pick Response         5. Display Response         6. Validation Response         7. Read Input json from file         8. Parse into json format         9. Parse response to json format Steps Run Program         0. Start.         1. Clone or pull my repo.         2. Don't change the folder.         3. Open CMM in directory         4. Insert command "venv/script/activate for act

Webinar Series : "How we build and test software at eBay DE"

In association with eBay Tech Berlin and Ministry of Testing Berlin chapter, kita akan memiliki webinar lain yang luar biasa pada 20 Juni 2020. Dalam pembicaraan ini, Jan Eumann dan Rohit Singhal dari eBay akan berbagi wawasan tentang bagaimana mereka bekerja di eBay Germany. Pembicaraan ini akan mencakup topik-topik seperti team structure, embedded tester model, agile approach and test strategy.

Webinar hari ini masih berlanjut untuk pembahasan "How we build and test software at eBay DE"

Pendaftaran dilakukan di : Registrations

Waktu Indonesia [ WIB ]
Sabtu, 20 Juni 2020
18:00-19:00 WIB

Date And Time
Sat, 20 June 2020
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Singapore Standard Time Singapore Time

Testing is providing information to stakeholders. Test are trying to answer questions about the product. 
Testing : Checking + Exploring. 
Checking : Assert our expectations of how the software should work. 
Exploring : Investigate unknown and implicit information. 
Uncover risks.
Belajar dari mereka, pahami konsepnya, bahasa sambil jalan untuk memahaminya. 
Thank you sir Jan Eumann and Rohit S.
Rekaman webinar ini bisa Anda lihat di sini ya :


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REST API Testing Using Python

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