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Introduction This program is REST API testing using python. The programming language used is python 3. I hope to get your suggestions and review. Thank a lot of. Requirement 1. [python Python 3.8.5]( https://www.python.org ) 2. OS Windows 3. Install Module Request [ pip install request ] [already available on folder venv] 4. Install Module Json 5. Install Module Json Path [ pip install jsonpath ] [already available on folder venv] Description Program 1. Get Request 2. Delete Request 3. Post Request 4. Pick Response 5. Display Response 6. Validation Response ...
Test Automation University - Open House
Test Automation University - Open House
Di dalam kursus ini akan menjelaskan tentang :
Creating a Culture of Success in your Organization
Developing for Testability
Tooling for Testability
Future-proofing Your Test Automation Efforts
Test Automation Optimization and Scaling
Quantifying and Sharing the Value of Test Automation
Instruktor di Test Automation University:
Angie Jones, Senior Automation Engineer and Developer Advocate
Joe Colantonio, Founder of TestTalks and Guild Conferences
Dave Haeffner, Author of The Selenium Guidebook and writer of Elemental
Selenium newsletter
Amber Race, Senior SDET
Jason Arbon, Author of How Google Tests Software and Founder/CEO of
Gil Tayar, Senior Architect and Developer Advocate
Elisabeth Hocke, Principal Agile Tester
Raja Rao, Former Salesforce Developer Advocate
Manoj Kumar, Contributor to Selenium project
Jonathan Lipps, Lead of Appium project
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Daily Notes, voosmos is the best story in the world Blog ini merupakan dokumentasi belajar, catatan harian, seminar, webinar, workshop dari penulis. Dengan tujuan, supaya temen-temen yang lain sekiranya mencari atau sedang belajar bisa membantu untuk menambah wawasan baru. Penulis berharap ada masukan, kritik, dan saran dari para pembaca. Dengan harapan penulis bisa maju dan berkembang lebih baik lagi. Trimakasih , Don't give up, I am a Good Player Let me briefly introduce myself My Name is Salim Suprayogi I'm really excited to share my tips and tricks with you
Introduction This program is REST API testing using python. The programming language used is python 3. I hope to get your suggestions and review. Thank a lot of. Requirement 1. [python Python 3.8.5]( https://www.python.org ) 2. OS Windows 3. Install Module Request [ pip install request ] [already available on folder venv] 4. Install Module Json 5. Install Module Json Path [ pip install jsonpath ] [already available on folder venv] Description Program 1. Get Request 2. Delete Request 3. Post Request 4. Pick Response 5. Display Response 6. Validation Response ...
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